Khai thác tại Pakistan
Giúp bạn cảm nhận niềm vui sâu sắc và an yên
Giảm căng thẳng và xoa dịu sự giận dữ
Hỗ trợ cảm nhận mọi việc từ trái tim
Protection - Banishing – Security
Tourmaline meaning varies slightly, depending on its color. However, the root of tourmaline meaning for all tourmaline colors is energy. Tourmaline imparts powerful healing energy and powerful protection energy.
Birthstone: October
Type: rough stones, size size varies 3 - 4 mm (stones are raw, free form shapes)
*Note: We use natural raw crystal for jewelry, so there is no two pieces are the same. Each piece is unique and one-of-a-kind.